The primary focus and purpose is to create, promote, empower every person and every organisation in the imaginable, Jamera Nafana communities in Ghana. Our association advocates for the eradication of poverty and precariousness among young people and women. Our association places particular emphasis on the improvement of the living standards of our communities.
About the projects
The first step in understanding the scope of the project was to find out what shaped the structural learning experience in Janados and find out how we could make improvements.The community is committed to helping people receive quality medical care regardless of socioeconomic status, race or geographic location.
Janados aims to strengthen the uman resource capacity in the JAMALA Nafana enclave. We aim to be the most valued community partners of all time to promote
Diversity and inclusion in every aspect of our communities
Corporate social responsibilities
Basic human rights to make Jamera nafana people live in their place of birth and choice, to work, invest, study, play and grow with dignity.
New clinic
Social place
By collaborating with experts around the world, we have discovered what the fundamental tools are for promoting our culture with art and music.Schools, centres, people are the creators of change. Adequate funding can help the community develop social places where people can meet, receive education and share the ideas needed to make a difference.